The upstairs Meeting Room has its own entrance door up the stoop facing Chestnut Street. A flight of stairs takes you to a light filled room with high ceilings and hardwood floors.  A raised platform at the far end of the room makes a perfect Speaker's Corner. There is an adjacent restroom and small lobby holding 50 chairs.


  • 39' x 27'

  • 1053 ft2

  • 80 person capacity

  • 2 wood desks and 3 folding tables

  • 50 folding chairs

  • High Speed wifi


$30-40/hr Mon-Thurs weekly/regular

$35-50/hr Fri/Sat/Sun weekly/regular

$50-100/hr Special events any time/day (4 hour minimum)

Rates vary depending on nature of the event, size of the group, price of attendance, nonprofit status, and whether food is served.
Discounts for all day rentals.
All events serving food will be charged a $50 - $100 mopping fee.

Please read the
Policies and FAQ pages when planning your event!                                    Quiet Hours begin at 10pm No Alcohol allowed at any events. Not ADA/Wheelchair Accessible. It is approximately 1.5 stories up to the Meeting Room. Please see our Accessibility Project to find out how you can help us reach our goal of accessibility for all!


We have been experiencing some technical difficulties with our calendar. If you do not see a calendar below, please follow THIS LINK to view the Meeting Room calendar.

* Click here to view availability for all the spaces in one calendar.  Also follow the link if you are viewing the calendar on a smartphone. 

Hall viewings are by appointment only.
Please do not drop by, as we do not have a reception desk.
To make an appointment, use the form below, or

Email us at

Call us at (510) 845-5352