The Kaleva Ski Club
The idea for a Finnish Ski Club came from The United Finnish Kaleva Brothers and Sisters at Lodge 21 in Berkeley, CA. Talk at meetings often drifted toward skiing, and how the inclusion of a ski club might create more activities for younger members. On November 23, 1945, a collection plate accumulated its first donations, and was entered into the accounting. This first small step and first official meeting of the Kaleva Ski Club was celebrated with coffee, and, of course, Finnish pulla. Since that time, innumerable collections and work parties have led to the construction and upkeep of a beautiful ski lodge in the Tahoe area.
The words of one of the Kaleva Ski Club’s earliest members echoes the spirit of many active members, today. Ted Jalo said, “I can say without any reservations that the ten of us who started the Kaleva Ski Club could never dream of how successful it would become. It has taken a lot of hard work, strong effort, and donations from many gracious people. I would like to give a special thanks to everyone who participated in helping us in the creation of the ski lodge.”
Our club wouldn't be what it is today without the contributions of our members. From teachers, to construction workers, to nurses, to electrical engineers, ALL members make communal efforts to contribute to what our club is today. Our annual Spring and Fall Work parties are largely attended and greatly sustain the vitality of our organization. Recently, we completed our electric sauna, a great way to relax after a long day out on the hill. Finishing the Dressing Room and basement Games Room is next!
Potential new members must attend two meetings, apply, write an introductory bio, and be voted on and read in. They must also go through Opening and Closing Procedures with a member in good standing.
Ski Club meetings are held on the the 4th Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m via Zoom.
Contact for further information.